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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Advice For a Heavy Beginner

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Hey Guys, 

I want to start playing Hockey but i figure i need to learn to skate first, I skated a bit when i was younger but was never great but I could go backwards, forwards, crossovers and stops etc. Fast forwards 10 years and now i want to start playing hockey at the age of 29. The big problem I have, Is well I'm pretty fat, I'm 6ft and weigh 380lbs (Im down from 460lbs & still loosing quite quickly) I am aiming to join a Rec Team when I'm around the 300lb mark. But for now i think i'd like to work on skating. 

So it comes down to what skates, Its impossible for me to get to a shop to try skates which i know is ideal but having researched thing i think the Bauer Nexus range would be best for me.
My price range is around $400, so the Nexus N8000 falls into that bracket, would this skate be suitable?
I've also seen a great deal on the the discontinued Nexus 1000 Skates too, are these a better/stronger skate than the N8000?

Any advice would be great!



EDIT: guess i should have posted this in equipment forum! can someone move it please!

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Based on your weight, Bauer is the retail skate you are after as they are generally more solid and durable than the others out there. But my worry would be your price point unless you target top end on clearance (like the 1000, this is a good choice). Cheaper materials, weaker skate and with your weight you would put a lot of leverage on the boot if you are not skating on top of the blades. You might consider at some stage some customs with extra reinforcing built in, talk to VH if you go this route. 

What I can't say is the model you should be in, In a nutshell you could describe the Bauer range as Nexus wide and deep fit, Supreme a middle of the road fit and vapour for a narrow fit. Which boot you fit into is dependant on your foot shape.


and congrats on your weigh loss, keep at it. Skating is a great exercise and low stress on the load bearing joints.

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On 8/23/2016 at 1:22 AM, Ryan87 said:

I'm going to go with the Nexus 1000, they are a good price at $300.

That will be a good skate for you.  I lost 40 pounds in 4 months once I started skating and have been level ever since.  Best wishes in achieving your goals.

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