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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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P92 lie 5 and p28

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I'm kind of short 5'8.  Between that and how I skate and where I put my hands I always felt like the p92 lie 6 was wrong lie.  Like if you looked at me from the side the blade and stick made a V.  Not that sharp an angle but does it make sense?  That's why I was thinking lie 5 but if it's that rocketed and lie won't matter screw it

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12 hours ago, mjpisat said:

I'm kind of short 5'8.  Between that and how I skate and where I put my hands I always felt like the p92 lie 6 was wrong lie.  Like if you looked at me from the side the blade and stick made a V.  Not that sharp an angle but does it make sense?  That's why I was thinking lie 5 but if it's that rocketed and lie won't matter screw it

If that much of the toe is off the ice, then you'll either need a lower lie (to your point) or cut down the lie 6 further.

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12 hours ago, mjpisat said:

I'm kind of short 5'8.  Between that and how I skate and where I put my hands I always felt like the p92 lie 6 was wrong lie.  Like if you looked at me from the side the blade and stick made a V.  Not that sharp an angle but does it make sense?  That's why I was thinking lie 5 but if it's that rocketed and lie won't matter screw it

Same pattern, same rocker....least it should be. I doubt very much the rocker on a P92 is different on a 5 lie than it is on the 6.

If you find the P92 5 lie difficult to find (which it is), switch brands. Everyone brand makes something close to Bauer's P92.

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