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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Was in Detroit recently and stumbled upon a ModSquad jersey

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Was in Royal Oak when I realized we were in Mod Squad land. Why? Saw a jersey at a pro shop here. Anyway, stopped into JR's store and just wanted to say, publicly, he's a cool dude. Brought my son there as he was playing in a PeeWee tourney there (they won) and it was cool. It's my son that I have often posted about, asking gear questions. So thanks to JR for taking a few minutes to say hi. Was really cool to put a face to the name. Anyway, that's it. I'll go back to lurking but wanted to stay that publicly that he's a cool dude. I definitely hope to come back, shop at his store and take in a summer gathering. Those jerseys were sweet. 

Andy in Peoria

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JRs store is great, and he does a top notch job. Love having total/pure around here. Really elevated the game. 

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JR, it was a pleasure. Just cool to finally put a face to the name. It was pretty cool to talk to you. Wish we had more time. The boys won again today. My boy has now hit the post or the cross bar five times in three games. :) But they are having fun which is really all that matters. 


Andy in Peoria

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