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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Should Bauer Bring The P01 To Senior Models?

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37 minutes ago, ParabolicActivity said:

Do you think there is a chance that the P01 will see the light of day in senior sticks? I can see a ton of benifit to playing with a flat blade with a toe hook. I can't really think of any blade that has broken the mold so hard in a long time.

They already have it, it's very similar to the Benn Pro model, most refer to it as the P90T (though that is the CCM specific model)

Edited by SkateWorksPNW

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20 minutes ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

They already have it, it's very similar to the Benn Pro model, most refer to it as the P90T (though that is the CCM specific model)

The Benn/P90T does have some openness to it though.  It's a P28/Fisher with a beak toe, as if you combined Kucherov and O'Reilly's blades.

edit: I just looked at that P01.  It almost has a Drury like wedge to it.  Or maybe a shorter version of a P10 (which would be great if they made.)

Edited by psulion22

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The way patterns are going unless it's a sick and twisted toe at maxxxxxx height it won't be added. And if they do it'll be around for 2 gens of a stick then killed off like the P30.

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