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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Perfect skate fit post break-in (length wise)

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How would you best describe the perfect skate fit (length wise) POST break. If the perfect skate fit (length wise) PRE breakin is... your toes are just touching the end of toebox when standing, theoretically once they have broken in, you would never be able to touch the end of the toebox once the skate has slightly expanded from the break in process?

Is this true or are my skates too big, as now i can never feel the end of the toebox?

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perfect fit length wise post break in is:

laces out, foot in boot, toes feathering toe cap, no more than a 2mm gap between your heel and the back of the boot.

Once you lock your heel in place, you may not feel your toes touching the toebox.

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My Mission S500s were perfect after break in. I had to skate barefoot and I could tell if I let me toenails grow too long, there was zero negative space in that boot.

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Honestly, if I was a pro-shop owner, I'd get some sort of MRI-type setup and offer truly perfect fitting. I bet people would come in droves to have their foot seen inside a skate. The "clinical" angle would, I bet, sell really well. I know I'd pay a premium to have my foot "analyzed" by an expert and then any customizations could easily be made based on the imaging.

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That’s the easiest question to answer, you have a perfect fit when you skate and your body and mind tells you that these skates feel perfect, and you don’t want to change anything. Do you see where I’m gong with this, the word perfection to me is a very bad word, it makes people go mental when trying to achieve it.


Heck, "chasing perfect" is what life is all about

how much would you say a fully composite skate like the totalone would stretch length wise post break-in (1/4 a size maybe even a 1/2 size?) and do you think a totally composite boot like the TO would stretch more or less than a boot like the x60 post break-in

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gamee7, I am no expert, but I don't think you should bank on a huge length change. From what I've read, I don't think any skate is going to change anywhere close to a 1/4 to 1/2 size in length.

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You can stretch a fully composite boot by up to one size but you have to stick it on a machine to get this. As to your foot moving it, a couple of mm at best and this mainly comes from the inner material of the boot around the back of the heel getting compressed by your foot.

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You can stretch a fully composite boot by up to one size but you have to stick it on a machine to get this. As to your foot moving it, a couple of mm at best and this mainly comes from the inner material of the boot around the back of the heel getting compressed by your foot.

I'm curious as to what are the detrimental affects to the skate when stretching a boot via a boot-stretching device? (seems when buy $900 skates you want a great fit withoout strethcing it)

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as long as they arent slipping off your foot during your stride (too big) or freezing your toes and killing your toenail (too small), you should be fine. new skates feel awkward at first. whether its the boot or bade profile. take out the insole after you have used them a while. see where your toe marks are on the insole. i believe they should be to the end but not over hanging it. my skates were small for the past few years but i loved the feel. currently, i have a numb big toe on one foot and no toenail on the other. i finally decided to size up.

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rubo - personally I haven't stretched a boot for length but the pro shop at our local ice rink has done heaps. I don't know what boots he has done this on but he assures me that with a top end boot and enough time, he can get almost a size length wise out of a stretch.

Myself, I have "widened" plenty of boots by using c clamps, wooden braces and perfectly shaped stones (to fit inside the boot giving a nice profiled shape to pull the boot outwards). I measure the boot with a micrometer and then stretch the boot a couple of mm each night until I have got the stretch needed in the area required. Corns, bunions, knobs, odd shaped feet etc of many team mates have all been addressed this way giving them literally a custom fit.

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