So after 6 years of trading in guitars one after another trying to find my "soulmate" in a guitar and failing miserably, I thought it was time I just built my "main guitar". My new baby. I chose to paint it as a modified replica of Jimi Hendrix' Monterey Pop Strat as that was the first guitar I've ever wanted as a kid. Originally a John Mayer Stratocaster (I love his music, and the neck on the strat was bloody gorgeous) with a Maple Neck, Rosewood fingerboard, and Alder Body. Repainted with Nitrocellulose lacquer (the detailing is nail polish like Hendrix used on the original). The hardware is all brand new, Vintage-style. The tuners are vintage locking Gotoh tuners. The pickups are the kicker. I handwound them myself with the help of a luthier here in Vancouver, with the specs based off of the Klein Jazzy Cats. It's scatterwound with formvar wire. The electronics are vintage-style Caps and Pots, with cloth wire connecting everything. Took me about a month to put together. It's my new soulmate in a guitar. <3