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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JunkyardAthletic last won the day on July 30 2024

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505 Excellent

About JunkyardAthletic

  • Birthday 01/01/1970


  • Skates
    CCM Custom Pro Tacks (2003) with Junkyard Athletic Custom Skate Soakers
  • Hockey Bag
    Junkyard Athletic Pro Player Bag
  • Shin Pads
    modified JOFA 5090
  • Elbow Pads
    JOFA 1444M
  • Shoulder Pads
    JOFA SP480
  • Pants
    Eagle X95 Girdle with Junkyard Athletic Shell
  • Helmet
    CCM HT2
  • Gloves
    TPS Pro Custom HG1
  • Stick
    CUSTOM TPS RLXN10 non-tapered OPS with Response+ graphics

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  • Interests
    Textiles, printers, laser cutters, travel, sleep, music, my business
  • Location
    Somewhere within the lower 48...
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  1. Doubt that NB/Warrior will go down that road. False doesn't have the money.
  2. It's AFTER the 23-24 season. Won't be UA. They're in bad enough shape having been at $27.28/share a year ago, now at $8.98. The math doesn't add up to do a deal, even at the "rumored" adidas number of $70m/season. Is NB dumb enough to do it? Fanatics was to make the "replica" jerseys and adidas the "authentic". Don't think CCM has the minimum $70m/season for the deal; same with Bauer. Nike has someone to make the jerseys, but, do they have the balls/ego to do it? If the deal were worth it on all levels, not just on a monetary/revenue level, for adidas, would they still walk?
  3. Because Easton, despite being owned by Bauer, is a different brand, thus, $150k USD per brand, per category.
  4. Heard this past weekend that Bauer won't be paying the $150k to put Easton back in the show, however, they may do something else with it...
  5. They can't; the Easton brand isn't in the marketing/supplier pool.
  6. https://www.sportico.com/business/sponsorship/2021/nhl-jersey-ads-approved-1234637203/
  7. The chrome XN10s (Made in China) weren't as good as the Made in USA and Made in Canada XN10s. That is a FACT! The chrome stick didn't have nearly as nice pop or balance + weight of the domestic sticks. Also a fact; the XN10 was supposed to be chrome to begin with and not 2.5-3 years later. Was told it couldn't be done at the time...
  8. Late to the party on this and surprised that @JR Boucicautof all people missed this. Your statement is INCORRECT and by MANY years. It was TPS Hockey with the first true sub 400g OPS in late 2003 with the Response XN10.
  9. Was eventually purchased by Hillerich & Bradsby (i.e. Louisville TPS) and was the brainchild of the RUBBER and TriCORE3 shafts, as well as the Response XN10 OPS many years later.
  10. An add on sale for the product you'll be able to buy direct from them come March 2021...
  11. I'm not saying this is why they are doing it, however, follow me here... In July 2016, there was an opposition filed to the USPTO (https://trademarks.justia.com/859/34/cooper-85934700.html). I'm guessing that someone challenged Bauer's ownership of the trademark for not having it used in commerce and their attorneys went into motion. A year later, the opposition was mysteriously dropped, and Bauer has since asked the USPTO for extensions, to the tune of a 5th extension filed and granted in March of this year. So, my guess is USPTO told Bauer to either shit or get off the pot, and this offering is them getting off the pot. BTW, this is why the NHL, for many years, has kept their top past team logos as offerings (i.e. NY Americans, Hartford Whalers, Minnesota North Stars, Quebec Nordiques) on nhl.com. Anyhow, carry on.
  12. But is it 12K? LOL Sorry, the older guys will get that joke... 😂 Look forward to seeing you next week! Safe travels, essay...
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