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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by anko

  1. I adore my Black Step, it's like night and day vs the typical LS steel. Should be a great match for your VH.
  2. I believe the CXN holder is +2, and the stock CXN steel profile is +1. An out of box Supreme would probably be considered a -1.
  3. After perhaps 75hrs of use my Makos are on their way out. Buying them in late spring before rarely skating over the summer puts me out of warranty. I'm getting outsole separation from the toe cap. Had minor Mako bumps, no issue with rivets although insoles always come out and my skates are put in front of a fan. For me, the pitch is the most significant performance aspect with the skates, I feel and appreciate the wrap, but don't feel that it's a performance advantage. I'll be back in Supremes, but with either a heel lift or pretty significant pitch on my runners.
  4. Same here, I tie them only tight enough that the laces are taut. Came from Bauers that I tied as tight as I could.
  5. No Icing has it listed in their web store, standard, Velocity, and Black.
  6. How do you feel about the detached thumb? I could see my bottom hand thumb catching a healthy slash.
  7. ^ http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=32356
  8. ^ Not the same, but the closest you'll find, I think. http://cgi.ebay.com/160412933243/
  9. Look like the same gloves I've been wearing for a few months. Palms are nash, no?
  10. Of interest... 5: grip SW. I have a habit of trying use this stick once every six months, and can never adapt to it. Everything else I use is a touch stiffer, non-grip, and a more mild curve. 7+8: broken-blade R flex XN10 OPS turned into shafts. I used the cut at fuse point and chisel out tenon method on these, and I prefer them to my R2XN10. Blades fit tighter, and I'm convinced they have a more dramatic taper.
  11. Looks to me like Rover could be in trouble if you miss the net from an off-angle.
  12. Per the 2010 catalog, the OPS minimum for initial orders is 12, for subsequent orders 6.
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