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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

MN old and slow

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MN old and slow last won the day on July 24 2015

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92 Good

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    fishing, hunting, hockey
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  1. I am pretty certain most Canadian kids grew up wanting to someday play MN HS hockey and learn da polka i think our great ability to polka in northern MN actually helps us as hockey players. neal broten>Phil housley>Bobby Orr > average mn hs player > Wayne Gretzky
  2. Nobody in California cares about this tourney but here in the place that invented and perfected the game life stops during the tourney.
  3. The world will be watching today as the best of the best lace them up for the championship in A and AA. After the games the polkas will play and the beer will flow as the old MN boys recall their HS glory. As a 218 guy I was broken hearted when East went down. Greenway still playing though bring hope to all of 218
  4. The world will be watching today as the best of the best lace them up for the championship in A and AA. After the games the polkas will play and the beer will flow as the old MN boys recall their HS glory.
  5. Pretty sure Don Cherry is watching. He thinks the MN players are da best. 1-1 East STA after 2
  6. It is that time of year again. The finest players in the world are playing for the MN high school title. Many people say the caliber of play is far superior to the NHL Go East Go Greenway
  7. MN is the place to go. you can play a ton of hockey, practice a ton, drink Grain Belt, see the most beautiful women, and do da ice fishing we invented the game we are the best we know how to polka and ice fish
  8. I do not need a Grain Belt Nordeast it is just the finest. The True skates sound fantastic but not sure they let old fat guys that peaked in 73 buy them. I am the Al Bundy of hockey. 5 goals one game State bantom tourney down hill since then.
  9. Don’t worry , don’t get so technical. Skate , pass , have ze fun and drink ze beer. it is a simple game that too many try to make complicated. i am qualified to say this as the greatest bench warmer in the history of mn high school hockey. I recommend Grain Belt Nordeast.
  10. US men from Duluth MN win gold in curling. US women gold and of course coach from Duluth MN. Men’s hockey team not so good. Next time we send an all star beer league team from my home town Duluth MN and get the gold. Don Cherry will be glad to coach us good old Duluth boys.
  11. I do believe this one true fact. MN/WI should just enter our own team. OA of MN-WI
  12. Not enough good old MN boys. Got to load up on the MN boys to win the shiny gold medal, no other way. The WI boys from Superior are okay too.
  13. Lost 12 pounds not too bad for an old guy! Have grandson all weekend, good MN kid. 1st round potential. 3rd rank NA skater 2030 draft.
  14. My senior going to UW Madison should have went to UMD which is the the Harvard of the upper Midwest. Not sure I can forgive her.
  15. You already skate better than most non-MN guys. Just kidding don't go hating. Buy a couple of lessons and have fun. Remember why we play!
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