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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Jason

  1. I'm pretty sure the runners are fusions because they are made out of two materials. The upper part is lighter in colour. I just remembered about 10 mins before I read the above post that they don't make junior total ones. The skates are size 5 with 254mm holders. I guess I just wish that I could have ordered a thicker felt tongue as opposed to the One95 tongue.

  2. My customs came in. Looks like they did a pretty good job on sizing, but until I mold them and try them on ice, I can't say for certain. Sure feels good for out of the box though. Couple annoying things... I asked for fusion steel and they sent me regular LS2. Doesn't even seem like it's the power length. Also, I asked for the retail liner and they put the old grip liner in. Not sure if I really care about that one. Anyone have any feedback on this liner vs. the retail liner.

    I ordered a pair for a friend and his didn't even come with the Reflex/3flex tongue. They installed some cheap thin felt tongue with a hard plastic insert. Basically a One95 tongue, but it sure seems thin. Seems like real crap to me. His skates are junior size if that makes a difference. His came with fusion steel, but the runners have no labels on them. It's pretty strange. It doesn't say Tuuk or fusion anywhere. I might post pics later if you guys want to see them...

  3. One thing I'm still confused on, does Bauer have options for increasing the volume of a custom skate?

    Yes, they do. You can upsize the quarters.

    This has no impact on custom skates as they are made in St. Jerome, Quebec. In fact on my custom skates I could not get the Reflex tongue as all the toolery is based in Asia.

    I ordered customs recently as well with the 3flex tongue. I haven't heard anything from the factory about not having the tongues in house. Also, I'm pretty sure I've seen a pair of custom TO's with those tongues. Bauer should be able to make a custom Total One with a Total One tongue. It would be pretty ridiculous if they couldn't.

  4. Don't get me wrong. My custom One95's are the best fitting, best performing skate I've owned. I'm gonna order custom TO's in the near future. I was just a little disappointed with the order forms telling me I was an E width. I wrote on the form that my retail One90's were too wide and that I would likely need a C width and that's what they ended up making for me.

    I have a hard time imagining myself in anything but a Bauer Supreme custom boot in the foreseeable future.

  5. You're getting a custom skate to the size of your foot. No need for the Flexlite Last.

    Yeah, but unless you are a pro, they don't make your skates from a mold. The flexlite last might be just as good or better than sending tracings and measurements. Also, the ankle area can't be custom to your foot without a mold.

    I'm not sure how much they actually use the measurements either. The order forms (at least the ones that I used) are ancient. They haven't changed in at least 10 years. The forms said that my measurements were E width in the forefoot. I'm actually a C.

  6. unfortunately...

    I was quite upset that LE wasn't an option (tried to put black heel on the T1), but was told that St. Jerome simply doesn't have the parts that are only available for the Chinese run models...

    Damn, I was gonna ask for the exact same thing. Supreme logo and heel cup from the One100 LE. I don't like the gold personally. Oh well. It wouldn't surprise me if they came out with a Total One LE once the APX comes out in order to keep interest in the Supreme line. It's too bad that they don't offer any aesthetic options for custom skates.

  7. I'm pretty confused now. I was under the impression that the fit of the Total One was virtually identical to the One95, with maybe a touch more volume. I am in an 8 C/A One95 with low vamping right now. I tried on a 7.5 D/A TO (they didn't have an 8) and found them to be about as wide as my skates with less volume. I'm wondering how this is possible. One explanation is that the half size down makes the difference, but I doubt it. Another is that my One95s have a One90 tongue which takes up less volume than the TO tongue. I have a bit of extra room in my heel in my current skates, so I want to order custom TO's with C/AA width and low vamping, but I'm worried that I will end up with a skate I can't fit my foot into? I'm going to find a shop that has size 8 TO's and try them on again, but until then, can anyone else tell me what their thoughts are on the width/volume differences between these skates and whether the new tongue is the actually that much thicker than the One90 tongue? Thanks.

  8. I'm close to ready to order my second pair of custom Bauer's. I have a pair of One95's that I like quite a bit, but I'm looking for an even better fit.

    When I had my current pair made, I asked for the height of the boot to be the same as the One90's were and also to reduce the overall volume to that of the One90. They did a pretty good job on the boot height, but the volume in the lower portion of the boot is still significantly different than the One90's I had before. I was wondering if anyone knows what I can specify in order to reduce the overall volume of the boot. I really liked the overall profile of the One90 and the wrap it gave my foot. I find the One95's to be a far superior skate, but the ALIVE doesn't wrap as well on the top of the foot. According to the info above from eastwesthockey.com, the lacing can be cut back by 1/8" or 3/8", but only for the top 4 eyelets. What is the benefit of this. Why only the top four? Also, does low vamping mean that the quarters will be shorter and better for a thinner profile foot? That is what I am looking for. Any help is appreciated.

  9. I like Laraque as a person, but I totally agree with Gainey that he is not helping the team win. He just can't skate at the NHL level. He barely ever fights either since he won't fight a guy below his weight class. I was really expecting more from him when he signed with the Habs. I thought he would be good for 5-10 goals and plenty of physical play and fighting, but that just wasn't the case. As far as the distraction goes... I think that he is a bit of a comedian in the room and I think that Gainey and Martin felt that his attitude was detrimental to the team. I was very disappointed when I saw Laraque and Price joking around with Cabbie last year during the playoff series against Boston. They were getting manhandled on the ice and they didn't seem to care at all.

  10. I think when Pouliot is healthy, that they should consider sending Ryan White down rather than SK. I haven't been too impressed with him to date. Hopefully Pouliot can have a resurgence with the Habs. I was tired of waiting for Latendresse to blossom. It really bothered me to watch him skate. Pouliot is a huge upgrade in that category.

  11. I saw the X:60 stick in person for the first time the other day. I'm wondering if anyone noticed that the PM9 (and maybe other patterns as well) have a more squared off heel. Why did they change the shape? Also, if you have used this pattern, did you notice any difference in the way your puckhandling felt?

  12. I'm not sure that I want to venture into the 80 flex area. I'm happy with Easton's 85 and I feel that Bauer's 77 is actually about the same. Not sure what you guys think about that. I've always found that Bauer and Warrior sticks are stiffer as compared to Easton in the same flex rating. I would rather go to the 90-95 flex zone as opposed to the 75-80 flex zone, so should I go with the R flex then?

    What do you think Spree?

    I'll have to see who in my area is carrying the stick so I can go flex one and find out for sure.

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