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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About sarasch

  • Birthday 04/14/1986


  • Skates
    Mission Boss SE
  • Stick
    Ballistik 45cal/RBK 10k

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  1. Does anybody know where to get a 4x80mm frame for a reasonable price?
  2. That’s where I want to order. Unfortunately I am in Cologne. I think I am going to order the CA9s and see how they fit. The price is insane!
  3. From what Vet88 said a size 10 could fit me. Thanks for the guideline! I would love to try them on somewhere. But as far as I know there are only two stores here in Germany that have them. One is about 3 hours away and the other one 7 hours...
  4. I am currently looking to replace my Boss SE with either the CA9 or CA9 RPD. I am in a size 10EE in the Missions, what would be the right size Alkalis for me?
  5. Pick up a Germany jersey, it would match up perfectly with those! ;)
  6. Why don't you answer public? This would be interesting for a lot of people...
  7. I like the "STOP" sign on the neck!
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