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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by wickedwrister

  1. What's the deal with the "spinner"? No/ different dressing? It does not look as sturdy as the portable "Classic" that I have. btw- Unless they made some changes, that "Bat Gauge" is a POS.
  2. Hare a couple of recent ones of my boy.
  3. I figure if one of us is really good and the other one sucks, the good one might as well get the higher end gear.
  4. My boy http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8343/picture036zo1.jpg http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/179/pho...62213jpgik2.gif
  5. When will they start calling the Tkachuk a 3/8 mid-heel? 1/2 heel is a bit misleading.
  6. Helmet: Bauer 4000 with Itech I2 cage and/ or 920 cage/ shield Shoulder Pads: Delta Elbow Pads: Hespeler XLite Gloves: TPS HGT Pants: Sherwood Sher-Tek 7700 Shin Guards: TPS Contour Skates: Bauer Supreme 6500s Undergear: Nike Dri-Fit tight top Accessories: Itech 200 Jock Bag: Bauer Vapor 8 (BIG) Sticks: Bauer Vapor XXX PM9/ Easton Brett Hull Z-Bubble/ UL w/ TPS PTC Tkachuck blade.
  7. Not a great picture, but it was right in this forum. http://cgi.ebay.com/EASTON-SYNERGY-SL-SILV...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. That's not where I was going with this. My gear (including skates) get hung up to dry on a rack after EVERY use. When you skate a second time before your skates dry is ALL I was talking about.
  9. A faucet seems a bit extreme. I was kind of thinking a spray bottle.
  10. I have come to the bizzare conclusion that I like skating in damp skates Every time I use my skates a second time before they have a chance to dry, I swear I skate better. They hold my foot better and there is no slipping whatsoever. I also find my feet don't fatigue either. Ya think it would hurt the skate to maybe spray it down a touch before skating? Anyone else find this to be true too?
  11. Introduction: Let me first say that I bought these skates sight unseen online because, 1: my last 2 pair of skates have been Bauer Supreme 7000's and BS 6500's in the same size and width. 2: These skates are Bauer's second to top level (Supreme) skate this year and I figured they had to be a the LEAST as good as my two previous. WRONG!!!!!!! Fit: I am 5'10" 190lbs. and wear a size 10 street shoe. My foot is on the wider size and slightly thick so the 7.5EE Supreme fits me perfectly. The first thing I noticed is the toe cap on the 6000's is skinnier and somewhat softer (more on that later). A MAJOR disapointment on these skates is the padding around the ankle and heel. Although the interior is the nice hydrophobic clarino we all like, the padding is VERY thin, cheap, (more on that later) and does little to lock your heel in to place. Overall, it fits "like" a Supreme, but the inferior construction (imo) leaves the foot feeling a bit unsupported. 7/10 Blade/Holder: The 6000's come standard with the original Tuuk Lightspeeds with un-perforated steel (a plus for me). Although the boot was a bummer, I really like the Lightspeeds. When I skated on them it was like I was on Custom+'s with a bit of aditude. 9/10 (and that's only because I did not get the full benefit of the holder because of the boot) Weight/Protection: Here is why I initially decided to go with these skates. I LOVE the protection of Bauer Supreme's. With the 7000 and 6500's only having a partialy composite sole, I figured these would have to be somewhat lighter with the Pro-8 sole and Lightspeed runners. WRONG! The weight difference (if there is any) is so slight, I could not feel it. When it came to protection, these skates took another nose dive. The very first time I wore them in a game I took a soft wrister on the foot right where the thick stitching at the ball of you foot ends and the toe cap begins. I swear I thought I broke something. I limped off to the bench and noticed that I could push on that part of the skate and it actually gave a bit. On my other BS's, you could not push in on that part of the skate with two men and a boy. The next game I took a slapper head on in the toe box. While it did not hurt too bad, there is now a small dent where the puck hit and it too is "softer" now. 4/10 Durability: I have about 25 skates on these between games and coaching and so far nothing has fallen off or ripped. With the above listed toe cap issue though.....6/10 Intangibles: N/A Conclusion: I must say that I am really bummed. These are the first pair of BS's that were sub-par. If like me you are a BS fan, I would say either fork out the $350 for a 8090 or wait untill Bauer changes or replaces this skate as their #2 Supreme. As for me....My skates are at the shop as we speak getting the Lightspeeds put on my old 6500's and the 6000's will become rollerblades for rec use. IMO- Stay away from these skates. 4/10
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