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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by tarmogoyf

  1. Helmet: Bauer 5100 , Tron S30 visor Shoulder Pads: Reebok 4k Shin Pads: Bauer somethings (can't tell, old old supremes I think) Elbow Pads: Bauer supreme 3000 Gloves: Bauer Vapor x30 Pants: Mission Fuel 120 Sticks: Pro Stock Easton Synergy (Silver) P92 clone, Total One P88 Skates: Vapor XXXX
  2. Understood. I just assumed that maybe someone used/uses them for hockey pads. A tad bulky, I might add.
  3. those look a lot like football pads.
  4. Really wishing I would have made the trip there now :<
  5. how much did those sticks run you? I couldn't make it out there
  6. Helmet - Bauer 5100 Visor - Oakley pro modified Shoulders - Sherwood 5030's Elbows - Rbk 8k Pants - Winnwell (not sure of the model) Shins - Sherwood 5030's Skates - Reebok 4k pumps Gloves - Winnwell g-lite gloves w/ shortened cuff (did it myself, thought it was a little too big for my liking) Sticks - Couple sherwood 5030's, inno maniac pro.
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