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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    The Netherlands
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  1. The golden oldies, everthing in between and the new ones. Cause in the end there is only one brand: CCM
  2. Sorry about the picture. Yes it was taken at my house. Overhere the season is already ended.
  3. helmet CCM vector 10 NikeBauer Supreme shoulder pads, old school NikeBauer defender elbow pads CCM vector 06 pants Warrior franchise gloves Warrior ak27 shaft and blade (switched after many years using Esaton just because Warrior last much longer) NikeBauer Supreme shin pads And mine favourite: Esaton S15 white prostock skates All gear goes in a Warrior/Mia pro bag.
  4. But a mounth ago i bought these Easton S15 white, prostock. I must say, these are the best i had have in a long time. Fits really perfect and extremly light. Only worries about the toe cap, but gonna fix that with toeguard.
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