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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by colindpratt

  1. just want to make sure, are the pinkies tufftek? and what size are those?
  2. thanks for the link to those pics, Steve. sorry, i didn't realize you were the one who posted those ones w/ the mesh gussets. i think if i do go ahead w/ the franchises, i'll probably opt for a simpler color scheme (just black and white) and do the white in leather as it does seem to give a nice, clean look as an accent and would seem easier to maintain/more wear-resistant.
  3. any way you could post some pics of yours? i'd love to get a better sense of what i might be in for. thanks.
  4. i'm also thinking about some Sabres colored Franchises. according to the customizer (as i'm sure many of you well know), the only way to get "golden yellow" and "silver" is in carbon or classic. carbon doesn't suit my taste, personally. i'm not sure i'd be a huge fan of the tufftek/leather combo, so does anyone think they'd be able to do all tufftek without my having to sacrifice the color scheme? also, someone posted a pair of Franchises with mesh gussets--is that available to non-Warrior employees/insiders? thanks.
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