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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by KnightII

  1. Have any of you heard whether or not BauerID will offer the X60 stick for customization like they did with the XXXX stick? If so, when might it be available to order?
  2. Sorry for the duplicate post...see question below.
  3. I was very excited about the Mission tapered V-Hex blade until I saw the price...wow over $64 USD :o. No thanks...gonna have to rethink my tapered blade strategy for the 2007 season.
  4. Upon first look and read of the catalog, I really like the offerings from Mission. Especially the stick line. Question though...either I missed it, or it's not there in the catalog image, but...all I saw for blades were the pictures...no mention of curve depth, location, curve length, lie, weight, open/closed face, or other etc. particulars. Does anyone know the particulars for the V-Hex Hossa Curve?
  5. Wow...nice catalog. I'm certainly glad to see a tapered shaft/blade offering from Bauer again. Now I don't have to snarf up all XV P88 blades since the XXX-Lite tapered will be available. Also would like to give the XXX-Lite tapered wood blade a try.
  6. Awesome Dude! B) Great press...keep up the hard work.
  7. Helmet: Mission Intake w/ Bauer Truevision cage. Nike 0004 no cage. Shoulder pads: Bauer 6000 - Lightweight and Protective, but a little bit Linebackerish Elbow pads: Nike V10 - Extremely comfy and protective. Gloves: Nike Quest - great fit. Pants: Mission 10000 girdle w/Easton Synergy 700 shell. Lightweight and extremely agile. Plenty of protection for no-check beer league. CCM Prostock (May05 Retired) Very protective, but bulky as hell. Shin pads: Nike V10 - Extremely comfy and protective. I love the way the top strap secures the guard to the leg. Skates, Ice: Bauer Supreme 8000 very comfy. Skates, Roller: Tour BlueMax with ABEC9. Sticks: Bauer XV with P88, Inno Novius with tapered McCarty, CCM 110 Recchi, Bauer VI P92.
  8. Even as small a producer Innovative is, you would think that with the NHL season gone, that they'd be looking to recover that lost part of their market somehow. This would be the best time to get products into the retail market for them I would think...perhaps I'm missing something? PS: Thanks for the pics Sid. ;)
  9. What is the Roberts pattern like?
  10. I use the Recchi curve as my primary curve...I like it better than the Sakic...someone once described the Recchi as the jack of all stickhandling trades, but a master of none. This describes it perfectly. In my case (when I held the 3 composite blades together), the lie of the Recchi falls between the Modano and the Sakic. I don't think there is a direct counterpart to it in the Easton lineup, but it compares somewhat between the Sakic and the Shanahan IMO. Not as open at the toe as the Sakic and not as severe a curve as the Shanny. I wish I could find a tapered version of it in some form or fashion. I have no problem lifting shots, roofing shots, or keeping them low with the Recchi. Backhands are easy as are deflections. I find toe manuevers especially simplified with the Recchi.
  11. I'm with canhockey7 re: BNH liking me... but they're prolly not fond of my twigs. Helmet: Nike 0004 w/Bauer Tru-Vision 4000 titanium finish Gloves: Nike Quest 3 Skates: Bauer Supreme 8000 Sticks: CCM V110 with Recchi, CCM V115 with York, and Easton Eflex shaft with CCM V60 Recchi blade. Elbow Pads: Nike V10 Shoulder Pads: Bauer 6000 Pants: Nike Quest 2 Shin Guards: Nike V-10 I just recently replaced my old equipment I used when I first started playing several years ago. Keep in mind, I play in a minimal contact adult league so the top of the line is not overly necessary, but I do like the fit and performance features to be there as well as a decent degree of durability. It's hard to beat the Bauer/Nike fit for comfort in my book.
  12. I wish CCM would jump on the bandwagon and offer a Tapered 2 piece shaft/blade system like most other mfgrs. I'd like to rig a tapered 120 shaft with a 110 blade...or something of the sort.
  13. The sakic is more deeper and much more open than the iginla I've used the sakic before and didn't like it due to the overly open-ness at the toe...messed up my stick handling. I have not seen the Iginla though. It's odd to me that the two can be so drastically different yet have the same description (except for the open toe part). Both are described by Easton as 1/2", mid, 5.5 lie.
  14. My thoughts exactly... Why not a synthesis stealth blade, synthesis SL, or synthesis ST blade? They coulda been a big hit.
  15. Thanks, Chadd I'm guessing it's a 5.5 lie version of the Yzerman then, right?
  16. What is the difference between the Sakic and the Iginla synthesis blade curves? Degree of open toe? If anyone has the two to compare together could you describe the difference better than described it the catalog pdf?
  17. Wow...the new Gaborik curve looks interesting...on the chart on page 36 of the pdf. Unless I missed something, it's only available on some of the OPSs and not in the synthesis blades, eh? Also, I did not see it listed on the blade chart on page 81 of the pdf Stupid blade measurement question...in the brackets, it has 15mm...is this measuring the depth of the curve in mm or the length of the blade from heel to toe in mm? I've always disliked Easton's blade chart...that hand drawn crap doesn't nealy adequately reflect the shape of the curve. If the Gaborik ends up being a 1/2" to 9/16" mid curve lie 5.5 with a mild open toe, that'll be the blade for me, otherwise the Iginla should fit the bill.
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