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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by nittanypucker

  1. That is SICK! I love it. Good work Aireaye!
  2. Updated: Skates Bauer Vapor APX2 Stick Bauer vapor APX/One100, Reebok Ai9 Gloves Bauer x60 pro Helmet Bauer re-akt Pants Bauer Vapor X60 pro Shoulder Pads Sherwood 5030 Elbow Pads Bauer Nexus Shin Pads Bauer Nexus Hockey Bag Bauer
  3. Couldn't wait until the holidays. It was time to upgrade.
  4. I like the Talbot gloves! How do you like them compared to your other gloves?
  5. I saw them out there. They look amazing! Great pick up!
  6. Showed up on my doorstep today. Custom sizing, tongue and blades.
  7. Helmet- Bauer 9900 with Oakley straight visor small Gloves- Bauer x60 pro Shoulder pads- Bauer APX/Sherwood 5030 Elbow - Bauer vapor APX Pants- Bauer Vapor x60 L+2 Shins- Bauer Vapor APX Skates- Bauer APX/Bauer Total One 7 3/4 with a custom tongue and black edge blades Sticks- Bauer APX and One100
  8. Replaced my old Vapor XXXX's (which literally fell apart) with Vapor APX. Hands down, most comfortable skate I've ever worn. Hope to get many years out of them.
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