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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Jay17

  1. I've been to a number of stores around me and cannot find the 40's anywhere! I am new to the area though, but it seems like hockey stores around here don't seem to carry easton skates. I have tried on the 50's though, is there that big of a difference between the two? I really don't play much, so I can't really justify spending good dough on 'the best' skates. Hence why I'm opting for the eastons rather than a supreme boot even though the bauers fit me a tad better. I'm hoping that baking the eastons will make them perfect! Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for posting the pics! They look awesome! I was wondering if they were able to use any of the existing holes? It seems like some of the new rivets fall close to where the old holes would be but it's hard to tell. Having trouble deciding between converting an EQ40 or going with a supreme boot... the price of the EQ40's is really making me lean that way =p
  3. I know a couple of people a few pages back were talking about converting some EQ50's I was just wondering if anyone had any pictures and/or other experiences with this. I am particularly interested in converting a pair of EQ40's. Thanks in advance!
  4. Where about? Those gloves are amazing, and would match my team colours.
  5. Hey guys, I've been a long time lurker and finally decided to register. I was thinking of doing a conversion and was just wondering if anyone has had any experience or could provide any feedback with the hockey shops in and around Vancouver, BC, as I don't trust myself to attempt to convert skates myself. Thanks in advance.
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