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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. those are some beautiful skates my man, how much you drop for them? not much at all, some one was selling a few pairs on ebay, so when all said and done with getting new holders less than $300
  2. just added these to my collection: let me know what you think
  3. I couldnt find this thread but now that it just came up i thought i would post me new mia's again: let me know what u think
  4. the newest addition to my collection:
  5. white with strips that color. they had other colors as well, dont know exactly what because i wasnt too interested in them until i saw the white ones. hope that helps.
  6. if i remeber right they had a dark green, dark blue(like a navy), black, red and maybe all white(not too sure on that). thats all i really rember for colors. and just an added note, the gloves have great feel to them. i like them better than my eagles and my old eastons.
  7. i got them for $90 there i believe. and yes they did hae 13's and i think that they were a little cheaper if i am correct. i got them at the one in marlboro, but i also so them at the one in braintree, so i assume they all have them. they have a few different colors besides the neon blue i got.
  8. i got those at pure hockey, they got a ton of them in and they were pretty cheap so i picked up a pair.
  9. I finally got a camera to take some pics of my gear Skates: Nike Flexlite 12's Bauer Vapor XX's Mission Amp Fly's http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/6452/p82600207cr.jpg Gloves: Bauer Vapor VX's Eagle X46 Helmets & Sheilds: Bauer 5000 Mission Carbster Jofa Cage Itech Concept II Itech Prowave( its infront of the Vapors on the right) http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/4720/p82600197fl.jpg Sticks: Montreal Nitro 8500 2 TPS XN10's Synergy Grip 2 Synergy's http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/4644/p82600218di.jpg Let me know what you guys think
  10. are these the great whites you were talking about. i think they look ok but i favor the g-series over these. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v606/vdubbin99/gwg3.jpg
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