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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Optimus_Prime11

  • Birthday 02/20/1994

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  1. I understand where your coming from this but since it's captain's practices, if the coaches are on the ice, pucks arn't allowed. We don't see pucks at all. I'm curious about how the first game will be when know one knows how to react to a puck in play, and actually game play. All we do is skate. It's like baptism by fire.. but worse.
  2. I understand where your coming from this but since it's captain's practices, if the coaches are on the ice, pucks arn't allowed. We don't see pucks at all. I'm curious about how the first game will be when know one knows how to react to a puck in play, and actually game play. All we do is skate. It's like baptism by fire.. but worse.
  3. I'm getting very frustrated with my HS team, all we do during captain's practice is skate. We see pucks for the last 5 minutes which is a joke. I herd the first 2 weeks of practices we don't see pucks either. What does our coach have against pucks.. hmmm. I'm dying to get ahold of a puck and just take some shot so I'm used to having a puck on my stick. I havn't touched a puck since mid summer.
  4. I'm 16 and pay for my own gear, so this is kinda really big for me and I'm very pleased with my buys (One95 stick was backordered sadly) 5500/ FM480 One80 skates 4 rolls my old one90
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