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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by OldCY

  1. 15 hours ago, krisdrum said:

    Now you've been talking to my wife...

    I am an overthinker, so... exactly what I am doing. 

    Been off the ice since the summer.  Hope to get back on by mid-March after I get my 2nd shot.  Once I can get a few skates in, I'll re-assess, but probably just stick with what I have unless there is a clear issue. 

    I don’t talk to my wife about hockey gear. It makes things easier. Good luck!

  2. Very good and informative post. Thanks for sharing.  The Ccm is probably more effective based on the pics you posted. Nose and mouth are covered, although you said it isn't "snug." Before reading your experience I didn't even consider the potential hampering of peripheral vision with these things.  I see on Insta Boston college using the UA ones.  I am currently skating w a small number of guys but that doesn't matter, it just takes one numbskull to covidize the group. I'll have to consider the ccm or UA product going forward...

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  3. Regarding the baking process: Does the saran wrap thing have to be done w/ the tf 9 and tf7? i ordered a pair of the tf7 but yet to have them baked.  I ordered an 8 based on information and some advice from members here (thanks again). Normally I wear 8.5.  The fit is tight in the toebox, not unbearable but I can imagine after the bake it will be fine.  I'm just interested in now if the wrap has to be done or is that more for the custom skates.

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