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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Didn't you guys look at page 12 of the catalogue before you got your Elites? The mirror image of the blade shows you exactly what Easton blades look like after two games?
  2. Yeah, you're getting confused. Those are both Easton patterns, so they wouldn't be clones of each other. Take a peak at the pattern DB on top.
  3. The Hull/Leopold 2 is about as close as you're going to find. Elias looks more closed to me than the Hull/Leo2.
  4. Does anyone know how much the Pulse OPS will be selling for?
  5. Woops. I posted in the wrong thread. Sorry about that.
  6. Does anyone know how much the Pulse OPS will be selling for?
  7. Never mind. The description of the two sounds quite different.
  8. Is the shaft on the Pulse the same as the Hex or is it a new shaft?
  9. Once again, Mission tells us that the Pulse has "ideal shaft weight" without saying what that weight is. JR - How has your VDS blade been holding up?
  10. Mikeo mentioned that a Carter would eb added later in the year. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?sh...%20Carter&st=30
  11. Thanks JR! Does anyone know what type of curve the Leopold 2 is? The catalogue lists it as a "1/2 slightly open" with no reference to heel/mid/toe and no lie. The drawing of it looks similar to a Drury, but it's hard to tell.
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