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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Innocent Bystander

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Everything posted by Innocent Bystander

  1. Has anyone tried the Sole heat moldable inserts?
  2. VERY interesting. Thanks for sharing. Interesting to see the Reebok E-Pro being more forward than the LS2. Would love to see where the CCM SB fits in.
  3. DANG those look hot. What did you use to do that? How durable (not that it matters)?
  4. I have used it on my daughter's skates for close to a season now. Sometimes I forget to put it on after a sharpening... and she often times tells me that the cut was no good. I doubt that since we have a friend that cuts them for us and is very meticulous. That is not definitive proof that it works, but she does seem to notice when the blades have been treated and when they have not been treated. She is a strong skater and complains about edge control mainly when the blades are not treated.
  5. I emailed Easton customer service and they are saying no junior sizing. However, I am not sure how small they will bring the sizing down to. If they come down to size 5 or so, I think that would cover the youngest group of kids that could take advantage of what a skate like this has to offer.
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