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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

The Webster

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Everything posted by The Webster

  1. I love the design but for the price I'll just stick to my solid chassis.
  2. I would imagine every other day maybe 3/4 pairs of skates. I'd say 10-15 a week.
  3. on the X01 How many pairs of skates could I sharpen a night before I would need to get the X02. I think I need something like a X01.5 if they made it.
  4. At the moment I'm in sprungs and want to go back to a solid chassis, Can this be done? what if I cant find new material to drill (existing holes)? Also I would most likely go to a tour chassis so will the DPS work without wedges? (front wheel rub?)
  5. I've also just posted this pic in the sprung topic. X:60 Sprung combo. The skates need baking but they feel great. I will be getting some Revisions to go on them tomorrow.
  6. I agree, Think of an elephant with small feet or a tall lady with a large chest :lol: Still its all about looking good right?
  7. nick23 wot is ur local hockey shop? is it demon x-treme?
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