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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Stoop

  1. Any further thoughts on the Tron sticks? I ordered one but returned it, completely unused. (It was my issue, not the stick's.)

    But I'm still curious as to what people think. I could see it going either way: knockoff sticks that perform just as well (for most players) for considerably less money, or knockoff sticks that have the same specs (weight, composition, look) but significantly diluted performance.

  2. 1. the cost to patent isn't cheap in the grand scheme of things, and, once approved, the cost to enforce the patent when someone violates it (i.e. Bauer vs. Easton)

    Well that would be unusual for an industry like this. Certainly the decision to enfore is a strategic (expensive) one. But these companies are going to apply for a patent any small advancement that they can. That goes for the little guys and the big guys. There's a healthy number of published patent applications in the US for Bauer, Easton, Warrior and the random garage inventors. Whether any of them end up being very valuable is another question.

  3. I was just going to post those Tron gloves to see what's up with them. SMU's from Eagle? If they're a copy, I'd be curious to see where the people who have vouched for Hockey Tron stand on this, since other companies take so much heat for copying Warrior's Franchise glove. The fact the gloves have MSH2 palms makes me think that they must have permission from Eagle?

    Are there people vouching for this stuff? Seems like it's a new venture. I couldn't find a stick review.

  4. Found this topic interesting when I read it last week, and then I see this:


    Of course, the only Tron products they have in stock so far are the low and middle end sticks.

    From their description for their gloves: "This a very high end glove. It is the same exact make-up as the Eagle PPF glove which retailed for $229."

    And their shins: "This shin pad is coming from the manufacturer to retail. If it were going through the normal distribution process it would retail for $99."

    Cheap shipping, money back guarantee - these guys remind me of cheap car companies that offer impressive lists of features and great warranties. You won't get a Honda with GPS and leather for $20,000! Yet it simply doesn't drive the same.

    I don't mean to mock them -- it's a smart gamble: 410 grams! MSH2 palms!

    Anyway, I'm most tempted by their $9 dri-fit socks.

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