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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Caz

  • Birthday 12/15/1991


  • Skates
    Bauer X50 2010 Model
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 8K
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Supreme One75
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior Hitman
  • Pants
    Bauer One75 MOD 2008
  • Helmet
    CCM Custom MOD 2010
  • Gloves
    CCM Pro 4Roll 2010
  • Stick
    Easton RS II 85f Hall LH

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  • Location
    Charlotte, NC
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  1. Yeah, me too. What is the process for this again? I want a custom pair this time around. Go to a Local Authorized Dealer and ask to have a rep sent down? I live in Charlotte, this is going to be a pain for sure.
  2. Caz

    2011 Warrior Dolomite DD

    2011 Warrior Dolomite DD Flex: 85, Cut Down 3-4" Curve: Kovalchuk, Lie 4 Grip: Clear Height: 5' 10" Weight: 185 Position: Centre Time-frame of use: 12 Days [20-30 hours], HEAVY USE. Recently Used Sticks: CCM CL 10', Bauer One30, BaseHOCKEY Custom, Maniac Inno PL II, S17, and a few others. Introduction: To begin, I would like to point out that I am REALLY heavy on my sticks, I work for a goalie coach as a shooter, so my sticks take a beating. I play Junior A too, so they get worked brutally. Aesthetics: This stick looks amazing, I really like the way warrior makes their name HUGE on both the sides of the stick. I really wish they would go back to the black, blues, greens, and purpules they use to use. I do think the DD of they blade needs to also be somewhere in near the top of hossel too though. 7/10 Weight: I think it clocked out at 440 grams, same as the 2009 model. Either way it doesn't matter to me. Love the weight, its not too blade heavy to blade light, just right. The weight also feels about 475g, not really closer to 400g, but thats just what I feel. 9/10 Balance/feel: I don't understand what everyone is going on and on about balence for, unless they are talking about the ratio of weight in the blade-to-shaft, in that case I think the Dolo 11' is perfect. On the feel note, I like how they kept with the concave side walls, feels really good in my hands. I also like the somewhat nipple grip that they kept to the stick. I wish there was a way to have nipple grip without actually being grippy, just the texture. The stick definitely has good balence at the end of the stick too, some sticks that have that concave double walls don't have good weight at the knob of the stick. 9/10 Passing: Passing isn't lacking, but it also isn't very easy to throw sauce with the Kovy Curve. I can however throw really clean, low sauce if I give it more of a wrister motion, which is odd. I like how it accepts Backhanders at the heal, but other than that, accepting and giving everything is nothing changed from what I regularly get with any other stick. 7.5/10 Puckhandling: I like how my toe drag is with this stick/curve. I don't like how it sometimes will mishandle the puck when I am really whipping the stick from one side to the other in-between dribbles. I will say that dangling though, comes with more ease also. 8.5/10 Shooting: PERFECTION. Pucks seem to snipe themsleves with this stick. Seriously, when I take snap shots, it sounds like I'm hitting my Driver off the Tee. I have never had a stick that felt so natural to snipe with. The corners come so much easier with the low-kick of this stick. 10/10 (should be 20/10 though, lol) Durability: Problems, big problems. Maybe it is how I am shooting with this stick, or something along those lines. But, this stick is already breaking on me. Seriously, the blade has cracked (here are some pictures), and I will probably have to epoxy the damn thing sometime this week. I really need it for 10 days from now, and don't feel like breaking it and having to ship it to Warrior, and get one back a week too late. But I will still buy another one anyway :). Although it is going to break on me, I would still buy another, if the problem persits in the same region I might do something about it, but the 2011 DD blade patent might be the best patent since the patent of the internet. HAHA, jk, but seriously, its amazing. 3/10 Conclusion: Like I just said, I would buy this stick 100 times before any other stick, just for the reason of the 2011 DD blade. Its a beaute. 8/10.
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