Helmet: CCM V08 and Bauer 4500 with Oakley Visor Elbows: Bauer X 3.0 and Bauer X 5.0 Shoulders: Bauer X 3.0 Gloves: Warrior Luxe, Warrior Franchises and Bauer 4-Roll Pro Shins: Bauer X3.0 and Bauer X 5.0 Pants: Bauer X 3.0 and Mission Inhaler AC4 for Inline Skates: Bauer Vapor X 4.0 Sticks: CCM RBZ (85 flex Tavares), Bauer TotalOne (77 flex P88), Reebok AI9 (85 flex Datsyuk curve) Bauer APX (P88 87 flex) Updates in bold.