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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

5 Minute Major

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About 5 Minute Major

  • Birthday April 2


  • Skates
    Bauer X7.0
  • Hockey Bag
    Sherwood (Custom)
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 8060, RBK/Jofa 9K
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK/Jofa 5K and Jofa 8044
  • Shoulder Pads
    RBK/Jofa 6K
  • Pants
    Bauer x60 Adaptable Core Pad
  • Helmet
    Bauer Re-Akt
  • Gloves
    Pro Stock Warrior Luxe (LA Kings), Pro Stock Warrior Franchise (Versteeg) and Custom Warrior Luxe's
  • Stick
    Pro Stock Bauer Total One (Matt Read G3) & Pro Stock Bauer APX SE

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  • Interests
    Import Drag Racing, Import Car Tuning, Car Shows, Hockey
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Gender

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  1. Motor is ready to go in. Should be ready to go before the weekend!
  2. k24 bottom w/ new chain and rsx-s a2 oil pump. Frankenstein motor w/ Kraftwerks SC. Also, added Compliance Bushings for traction control.
  3. Bottom end is in. Motor is going back in this week w/ some extras.
  4. Atlanta Falcons comeback win! Hell yes! Rise Up!
  5. Gonna definitely need street radials and drag radials when I go to the track. I spin at the end of 2nd and most of 3rd if I'm gunning it. I try to baby it. Still have to break in the clutch. However, she's back in the shop. New build. Oil pump seized and broke my chain. Metal got in the oil and needed to buy a new bottom end. More money into the car. No wonder I haven't bought any new gear. lol oil pump that seized. chain that broke. old bottom I'm doing all new internals, cams, pistons, etc. while the motor is apart. Gonna order Hondata Traction Control as well.
  6. Thanks, man! Car pulls HARD! I'm in love! hahahahaa
  7. Finally got her back! Last Dyno pull was 365whp.
  8. I get my car back today! Right after the Dyno Session at 4pm. Can't wait to get those keys back in my hand!
  9. Some pics of the Kraftwerks Build. New Hasport Motor Mounts. Intercooler Kraftwerks Intake Valve Boost! Skunk 2 Fuel Rail. I wanted a Red K-Tuned one but they didn't have any. The Valve Cover is being changed to a Crinkle Black colored one w/ a Crinkle Black Intake to match. Red Mishimoto Radiator hoses to give it some accent. Gotta clean the hell out of that engine bay when it's all done.
  10. Dropped my car off at the shop for my Kraftwerks Supercharger Build, new clutch, motor mounts, fuel rail, etc.... Should have her back by "hopefully" Friday. Another week w/o my car. At least I had her for the weekend. lol
  11. Flat black is sexy! I actually wanna wrap my car in flat black for the Winter time. Our company car is wrapped in Flat Black w/ Metro PCS Logos and Androids all over it. Let me see if I can find a pic.
  12. Yup! Hopped a curb and did a 360 in an empty field. A deer jumped in front of me and I swerved out of the way. Thanks God it was a small curb and only cracked my front & rear bumpers. Oh, and I'm missing both wheel well covers. Should have her back by this Wed/Thurs and then back to the shop for the Kraftwerks SC install.
  13. Very true! The people behind me thought I was done for. I had all 4 wheels in the air and luckily went into an empty field. phewwww.
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