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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by clarko_99

  1. Saw them at winter narch - they look and feel great!
  2. Hi all, I'm just about to convert a pair of Bauer one100 skates with the Labeda 9000 Hummer Chassis. Haven't converted skates or used a hummer chassis before so I'm unsure of what size chassis I need to order - can anyone offer some advice? The skates I have are size 10D. Cheers, Dan
  3. Nice! Someone that still uses the old mission injection gloves, those were great IMO. man i love those mission gloves hell, i'm still rockin' them too. i went back to them from my response gloves. i think injections have one of the best range of motion of any glove. and the look pretty sweet too (especially the black/red/silver one's). if they had plastic inserts they'd be incredible. yeah, there so free moving i cudnt really ask for more, i just dont understand why mission moved away from making that style of glove, i cant stand the new bulky style gloves...
  4. Nice! Someone that still uses the old mission injection gloves, those were great IMO. man i love those mission gloves
  5. Me playing in Narch Summers '04
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