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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About pulax30

  • Birthday July 20


  • Skates
    Bauer One80
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 9k
  • Elbow Pads
  • Pants
    One95 girdle
  • Helmet
    Cascade M11
  • Gloves
    Reebok 4-Roll (852's) Caps Pro-stock
  • Stick
    Pro-stock Hendricks TotalOne, 2x Pro-stock Hamrlik AI9

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  • Location
    Baltimore, MD
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  1. It felt like it. I was more concerned with heel lock. I didn't have any issues with either toe box.
  2. I went from Mako's on an ellipse with neutral pitch to ft4 pro customs with the ellipse at a 10 pitch instead of the 20 that I'm told is standard for the ellipse. The transition was effortless. I'm actually thinking of going to the standard (20) pitch.
  3. Be careful when you're scanned. I recently was scanned on a Bauer scanner in Virginia and was told I was a fit 2. I'm not. I was in Minneapolis last weekend and went to the Bauer experience store. I was scanned again and was a fit 1. Much better fit. The guy who fitted me says this happens all the time.
  4. Thanks for that explanation. They do feel very close but different.
  5. That's what I'm doing. FT4pro regular was just a little too wide. I figured the 100ks would be the same, but it doesn't appear to be that way. I have tapered FT4pros coming friday. We'll see if there is a difference. Giving the credit card a work out for sure.
  6. Bumping this thread because I don't think it warrants a new topic. I just got 100k pros in both tapered and regular and I swear they fit exactly the same. Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. I scooped five RX2's when they went on sale earlier in the summer. With this new direct to consumer pricing I cannot imagine using another stick. At that price it is simply too good to pass up.
  8. I just bought two STX Surgeon RX2s for way less than it looks like what people are paying for one of NN sticks, and I'm looking for more through other vendors. A little effort can get you a high end stick on the cheap.
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