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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Pro Stock Bauer Total One NXGs
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 11K
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM U+ CLs
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Total Ones
  • Pants
    Easton Pro Stock Flyers
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500
  • Gloves
    Pro Stock Bruins Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Pro Stock Kreps Easton RS2

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  1. RBZs are my thing........ 20k Curve (Kreps) RBZs belong to... CLs belong to...
  2. dang, I haven't seen many NHL guys in em... seen a couple in Mako's. hopefully seeing more Mako and RBZ skates soon upon their releases!
  3. The look on these is growing on me... however, I just can't step away from Bauer. RS's didn't do too well did they?
  4. or my friends have been unlucky!
  5. not to shoot you down or anything, I'm just giving fair warning...... those "repaired" twigs... personally... I've seen last max 2 games. I hope yours lasts longer though!
  6. yes, my supervisor/scheduler did not want me wearing the white reeboks, so I had to give them up... was a sad day, but had to do it to keep my job haha as others said, all white laces are a must for me as well. in terms of Chadd's comments, luckily I am free to wear whatever brands I wish and the logo thing isn't a huge issue. I have a pro stock black V08 that I use with just the CCM logo on the front... ironically I have a CCM sweater and pants as well... Bauer skates though... I do know in some leagues certain helmets/visors are required and/or uniform type/brands.
  7. regret having to sell my white 11ks... if only referee's could wear white skates.
  8. those twigs remind me of the stick in Mighty Ducks Movies hahaha
  9. Pro Stock NXG wheels, double felt tongues, LS3 steel and some other nifty additions Bruins "Advanced" Franchise & Newer model Caps Easton Gloves
  10. those Ducks CLs are somethin else!!! beauties
  11. I can die happy now.
  12. some things I've picked up recently Luxe's, CL's, Winter Classic 11ks new bucket and visor
  13. I post everything I get, some things I get to keep for myself, other things I pick up to sell for others benefit. Those gloves were supposed to be for keeps but they didn't work out... people have problems with it, sorry! I do not post here to promote ebay ads.. I don't ever post anything here related to ebay links, etc. I pick things up often to try new things, palms, style of gloves, fit, etc... I cycle through lots of gear a lot... more than anyone else I know haha... don't take my posts as being promotion for a possible future ebay sale or ad, it is my choice of selling or keeping items... I never intend on posting things here to promote an ebay ad... pretty obvious b/c if I was trying to promote that I would post a link to my ebay ad as well, there is no mention of ebay in any of my posts... I take the opportunity to pick up things for myself or others near me to try... friends and others ask me to try and find them a specific pro stock item and I do my very best to accommodate their wants/needs. sometimes you like what you get, other times you don't... I get most of my stuff after only seeing a a couple pictures of an item, therefore when it arrives if it is not what I had hoped or expected I re-sell, usually for about the same as I bought for especially with ebay taking a chunk of the money made off a sale. If this bothers you, I apologize...
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