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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About baloo1987

  • Birthday 09/09/1987


  • Skates
    Easton Mako / Vapor X40
  • Shin Pads
    Vapor X40
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton EQ30
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton EQ30
  • Pants
    Easton EQ30
  • Helmet
    Easton E900
  • Gloves
    Reebok 11k
  • Stick
    Easton RS2

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Badminton
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  1. So after three hours on ice with my new skates it was amazing. Really comfy and I just need to skate more with them for fit perfectly on my feet. Same feeling as the first mako skates so it's great. I have the click thing on the right skates I don't know what to do... I will maybe have a check on rivets. Anyone has this problem ?
  2. I didn't bought any shot blockers. I had no trouble with the 1st generation so I will go like that with the second one. Saturday => first skate with them. Review saturday or sunday :)
  3. Well I finally bought my Easton Mako 2 skates... they fited too well ! :-D I hope they will survive more than 2 years... :)
  4. Hey guys, My Mako 1st generation broke last week and now I'm wondering if I should go back to Easton... They fit perfectly but they only were alive for a year and a half. Here is the status of my Mako 1 : front of Right Foot : front of left foot : That's not normal for me... do I have to write something to Easton to have something back even if they aren't on warranty ? Somebody had the same problem with the Mako 2 ? Thanks for your help ! Balou
  5. Try with inserts I'm sure they will fit perfectly. I had the same feeling as you and I try them with inserts and it's awesome.
  6. Hi I see that you got 1x for a while now, can you make a small review about these plates, the quality construction of the skates and how do you feel in them please ? Thanks !
  7. I got my Mako Skates since two months now... still awesome <3
  8. Helmet: EastonE700 + Cage E700 Shoulder Pads: Easton EQ30 Elbow Pads: Easton EQ30 Gloves: Reebok 11k Geneva Servette Hockey Club colours Pants: EQ30 Shins: Bauer X40 Skates: New Easton Mako Sticks: Easton RS2 Flex 100 Getzlaf Curve
  9. Well... I went to the shop saturday with the decision to try all differentes skates to have an idea how I fit in each skates. I tried, CCM Rbz, APX2, NXG, Nexus 1000, Easton RS and finaly the famous Mako skates. I put my feet inside and it was like if they was my old skates ! the first impression is "Ouaw ! do I really have to bake them?!?!" After many minutes and lot of tests, I decided to bake them and after it was awesome... like if I was in my winter boots so perfect ! I went out of the shop with my mako waiting 24 hours to try them on the ice ! Sunday I put my skates and here we go on the ice... First impression : the fit is perfect and I'm little bit more in front than with my older Vapor X40. After 15 min I tried all that things like tight turns (ouaw amazing!), acceleration, backwards and stops. I feel like my skating was better after 30 min and it was so perfect... After 1h30 on the ice, no injuries or disillusionment just a word : AWESOME !
  10. Yeah for us is E3 or E5 and we have little bit of protective but not all....
  11. Yeah I don't know because in Switzerland we don't have a lot of importation from Easton... only a shop call Chip Sport. Others one have only Reebok, Bauer or CCM.... Whatever I feel perfect in these skates but I'm afraid of the result on the ice ... ! Lol
  12. Hi everybody, I'm thinking about change my old Vapor X40 and I tried already these Mako skates and in the shop it feels really good... We only have the double E in Switzerland and not the D. There's a lot of difference ? people who tried both, wiches one you took ?
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