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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. new mitts, Warrior Luxe 15's, pretty snug for 15's, they fit more like my Bauer supreme total ones which are 14's. 1st pair of warriors and so far so good
  2. Wee update Helmet - CCM V10 Shoulders - Bauer supreme classic Elbows - CCM U+ Pro Gloves - Bauer supreme total ones / Rebellion 6500 4 rolls Shorts - Tackla EXPP 55's Shins - CCM U+ 05's / TPS response r8 Skates - 07 Reebok 9k / Bauer supreme one60 Sticks - Reebok 11k pro stocks (100 flex H-14 curve)
  3. Picked up a pair of virtually unworn 07/08 reebok 9k skates on ebay for £30.eThe previous owner has seen fit to black out the skates which doesn't bother me except the holders have been sprayed black.... Is there anything I can use to strip the runners withoit damaging the plastic?
  4. New Gloves for me, wanted a snugger fitting glove than my rebellion 6500's and opted for these, easily them most comfortable gloves I have owned.
  5. Ccm u+ pro elbows, nice lil upgrade from my old sbk ones
  6. Picked up a pair of Rebellion 6500 gloves, traded a pair of reebok 9k's for these as I didn't like the fit of the reeboks, after a few practices I found the rebellions to be a little big, so I gutted an old pair of gloves and padded out the inside and presto a much better fit.
  7. not been playing too long just over a year in fact helmet - ccm v10 with oakley half visor Shoulders - bauer supreme classic elbows - SBK Riot Gloves - Bauer vapor x60 pro Pants - Tackla EX-PP55 Shin Pads - TPS response R8 or CCM ufit 05 Skates - Bauer supreme one60 Sticks - Reebok 11k pro stock with warrior swizzle blade Draper pattern (was a OPS that broke) and Reebok 10k pro stock with harrow 300 blade pattern 6 sakic clone again was an OPS that broke
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