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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. If you have a plastic supplier near you, you can get them to deliver you a sheet of HDPE. Such as below https://www.directplastics.co.uk/hdpe-sheet?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5tPb4OSF6QIVV-DtCh2Gew9lEAAYASAAEgJic_D_BwE it's exactly what the commercial shooting pads are made of. Add some silicon lubricant or pledge for extra slippiness.
  2. Might just be how we handle things in the UK
  3. Thanks boss, any idea what they may/may not ship with if I order? Or will they do boot only? The rep over here in the UK seems to have been left in the dark about a lot of this new stuff! Totally fine with Edge holders, just wanted to try something different.
  4. Exactly what I thought! I’ll pass I think. just waiting to hear whether we can get the new holder and runner in 306, and when and my order will be placed!
  5. Just got scanned for a pair of trues today as my VH are totally falling apart after four years! Im in a bit of a quandary with this new boot/holder/tongue situation. For now I’m just waiting to hear back any details I can get - for starters whether they make them in 306 (don’t think the old ones were) given that my order wouldn’t be shipped until after this release date. I’ve asked the store to pass on this message and we’ll see how it all pans out. anyone know what this new tongue is like? I’m a big fan of the old metatarsal tongue so was a wuss and went for that again. Also, are step making steel for the new holders?
  6. My three year old VH's are finally starting to give me sign's I need to save for a new pair. The carbon on the heel wrap is starting to flake and crack. Think I'm gonna just cover it with epoxy and hope for the best. They're still as responsive and stiff as ever. I've never had a pair of boots hold up this well for this long. Caveat, I switched the tongues and steel out.
  7. Even Before the Bauer buy-out of Itech, these things were a bitch to get to fit at the best of times!
  8. AHHH. Then no. I wouldn't go to that hole out of choice! Find me In Basingstoke. (what's left of it )
  9. That's what I got in the first place. I was quite used to the super stiff Vapour Tounge, so love it!
  10. After initial delivery of skates, I paid $80 dollars for Thick felt, lace bite guard, custom embroidery.
  11. OHHHH YEAH! You gotta put your foot in sidewise and rotate the boot, as opposed to just shoving it straight in like an off-the-shelf boot. See Scott show you how.
  12. 100 percent would put Tuuks on instead!
  13. NICE! Looks like they've just taken the VH boot we know and love and tidied up the cosmetics a little, which to be fair, it did need!
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