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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I tried out a pair of demos from the store I work at for games a few nights in a row. AMAZING skates!!! I've owned 2 pairs of APXs, 11Ks, one95s, X60's, and others and the Mako skates blow them all right out of the rink IMO. Before molding there were a few hot spots, but after molding it felt more comfortable than any skate I've ever tried on or worn on the ice. I was adjusted after a 5 minute warm up and though some of my teammates were skeptical about trying some new skates in the beer league playoffs , they were glad I did! They are as advertised and live up to the hype. I could feel my leg muscles working a ton more, hence "natural movement" and I was generating a ton more power especially when turning. My own pair won't be here for another week so until then I'm going to keep wheeling the demo skates. Try them out first if you can, but wow..Easton and Cruikshank have really done a tremendous job with these skates.
  2. Helmet: Bauer 9900 with HS22 straight visor Shoulder: Farrells with no caps Elbow: Bauer Supreme Classics/ Jofa 9044's Gloves: Combat Ballistik .52 cal Pants: Bauer Supreme one80 Shins: Easton S1 (super light and simple) Skates: Bauer Supreme one.8 Sticks: Bauer Supreme totalONE pro stocks (P. Sullivan, PHX)
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