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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About maddigit

  • Birthday 07/08/1966


  • Skates
    NXG's/Nexus1000's/Bauer 8090/Bauer One95 (S9)
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Premium wheel bag x2/CCM Labatt Blue
  • Shin Pads
    Sherwood 5030 classic/Itech/Vapor x3.0
  • Elbow Pads
    Sherwood 5030 classic/CCM
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood 5030 classic/Bauer supreme classic sp
  • Pants
    Bauer Supreme TotalOne adaptable core pad x2/Bauer MP8
  • Helmet
    CCM Vector 8 x4/CCM HT2
  • Gloves
    CCM 4r pro II x2/Bauer 4roll
  • Stick
    Too many to list

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  • Location
    Metro Detroit
  • Gender
  1. Those are nice, you can't go wrong, I love the NXG pro stocks I picked up, won't take you long to get used to stiffness at all.
  2. Skates: (2 Main) Bauer Nexus 1000 and Total One NXG's prostocks - (2 Secondary) Bauer 8090's and One95 prostocks (One main and secondary per bag) Shins: 2 sets of Bauer Vapor X 3.0 Socks: Misc. Reebok and Tron in various colors Jock: 2 sets of Bauer Vapor Elite Compression Jock Shorts Pants: 2 sets of Bauer Supreme TotalOne Adaptable Core Pad Shells: 4 pair of Bauer Supreme Gloves: 2 pair of CCM 4Roll Pro II Gloves Shoulders: 2 sets of Sher-Wood 5030 Tradition Shoulder Pads Jerseys: Training camp/practice from a variety of AHL/NHL teams, both dark and light colors. Elbows: 2 sets of Sher-Wood 5030 Tradition Hockey Elbow Pad Helmets: 2 White CCM V08 and 2 Black CCM V08 Bags: 2 Bauer Premium Wheel Bag (Black) Lumber/Sticks: A wide variety including a bunch of prostock Reebok 10k, Bauer one 30's, Sherwood T80's and a few T30's, RM19 shafts as well with a few different curves and many more sticks that are lined up that was used once or twice from different manufacturers.. I constantly change sticks. I rotate two sets of equipment in and out weekly.
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