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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About thunderhockey19

  • Birthday 10/26/1988

Profile Information

  • Interests
    hockey, roller hockey, billiards, lacrosse, and ping pong
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    arthur dore19
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  1. i have a ton but dont feel like uploading them, so heres one my favorites against the Toledo Cherokee.
  2. skates: vapor xxx's and graf 703's with lightspeeds helmet: hc100 with jofa 480 cage gloves: custom sande max q's, tps hgt's, and soon tps cable knit hgt if marcello can find them for me. sticks: 2 true ones 300 flex fedorov pattern and soon a response plus when buzz gets it to me, regular flex p19 pattern pants: tackla 5000x pro and franklin pro stocks from san jose forgot what model. elbows: nike pro stk shoulders: itech 650 and 775's shins: jofa 8040's under clothes: short sleeve underarmor, long sleeve underarmor, long sleeve nike dri fit, shock doctor compression shorts
  3. like i said earlier im looking for black and white though and marcelo doesnt have anything like that. atleast it doesnt appear that way. edit: he pmed me he might be able to find something. thanks guys.
  4. i know i should probably search but ive been on here a while and havent heard much of the digi tech palm, is it like sandes pittards digital? i would imagine just from the name the digi tech palm is very thin. jr. since your not doing the custom orders anymore is there anywhere else i can get some?marcelo? all im really looking for is the same thing as markkus execept white where its yellow on his glove. also probably not with the digi tech palm i dont want anything thats going to wear out fast.
  5. jr. about how long does it take to get custom tps's done i want some hgt's like markkus just like all black with maybe a white cuff. edit: about how much will they run if I can get them.
  6. hey mack, i think your kelli is actually june. hense flaming june?
  7. yeah i got a pair of custom max q's also but my pics cant be uploaded off my computer for some reason there black and silver real nice gloves. hey bruins did you get pittards in those? sande accidently put pittards in mine and that palm falls apart like crazy. i wanted to send them in and get the palm replaced but i couldnt, never had time or any other gloves to use while they were getting replaced. :( but on an upside these are the most comfortable gloves ive ever had and the trigger finger is an awesome feature! also the base palm i have under the pittards in lasting great not a rip yet (knock on wood). i have used these gloves through one highschool season,spring league, and now at the end of my summer league and there still holding up awesome. i love my sandes.
  8. how much is that in u.s ? does anyone have any of those currency convertor sites i can use i used to know what but forgot it?
  9. i got quite a few pics just didnt feel like loading them all heres a couple. black jersey, about to hit that kid http://www.corebeam.net/upload/files/getti...%20to%20hit.jpg winning this faceoff http://www.corebeam.net/upload/files/winning.jpg hitting this kid black jersey im #19 http://www.corebeam.net/upload/files/arts%20hit.jpg black jersey again with the puck not sure what im doing.lol http://www.corebeam.net/upload/files/skating.jpg
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