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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kojack

  1. I think thats what im doing too!... I am liking the CCM boot more and more, but love my TUUK runners.
  2. Im half guilty of going into a store to size for the internet, but being impaitent I just end up buying there. Then return because customer service is number one. Ha ha. I never told them that tho!....I dont shop at my local local store anymore however, because they screwed me over....long story im not getting involved in here, and has nothing to do with product or price on their end.
  3. New to the forum. My helmet is an Itech 100 Bauer 1000 half shield CCM Pro tacks Shoulder pads CCM pro tacks Elbow pads Pro x Jock shorts Bauer Supreme 500 pants CCM Pro tacks Shin guards Bauer Vapor xii skates Easton Eq 30 gloves Easton mako reflex stick hull curve Bauer vapor 1 stick p88 curve
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