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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey Kovy.... Ribs is a minus because of your brother! haha I thought that was interesting.
  2. Well Murray is looking to win games... David hasn't exactly proven himself reliable in a situation like that... so he wasn't going to take a chance like that and possibly cost his team the game agains arguably the best NHL team.
  3. What round did you get drafted in again?
  4. Besides, who says Alex will be a Hab this year *L* Touche. Any rumours?
  5. Are you going to ask Alexei for his autograph first game against MTL? Or is that not proper etiquette for a pro? ;)
  6. David, how does it feel to have a 25 page topic on yourself?...............LOL Patrick Kane doesn't even have 1 page dedicated to him..... Congrats
  7. whay is it all green on the inside of your skate?
  8. 2 people actually, and I wouldn't say he tops it, but he is elite. :)
  9. I've never seen anyone do it better. :)
  10. What category would Denis Savard be under?
  11. I like the way Jeff Carter skates. Smart player.
  12. Shouldn't Lemieux be in the on of the long stride sections?
  13. ....and tonight I'll use..............
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