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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. As someone that has a backup pair of Makos, I'd love to see a resurgence of that style of skate. My main pair is breaking down and the backups have been sitting in a box forever.
  2. After many many pairs of skates, I had finally found some that fit my feet properly: Easton Mako 9.5 EE. Even some custom VH skates weren't as good of a fit for my wide foot. And since they were being bought and discontinued, I was able to snag 2 pairs. My only issue is that the heel lock isn't great but the forefoot and arch is perfect. My dilema: the holder on one broke. I'm in the process of baking my other pair and will start breaking those in. What I'd like to know is: Is there a way to best get heel lock when baking? If I replace the holder, is there a set with similar pitch? My current pair is pretty worn down regardless. Is there anything out there with a similar fit? I need a pretty wide forefoot but have a regular to small heel. Thanks!
  3. Are you doing this with your foot in the skate? Or out?
  4. Let me know if you figure out the heel. I have problems in that area with too much room and would love a solution. Maybe a heat gun and some massaging?
  5. Going to get some shot blockers, but the toe is bad too. Anyone know of a way to better protect the toe?!
  6. You will NOT be ready for hockey in 6 weeks. You'll probably be ok for jogging, or light activity. I've had this surgery, your whole leg is now significantly weaker. Don't rush back in to anything or you'll just be back in the hospital.
  7. I purchased a wide skate, as in a skate sized 9EE due to my forefoot. This obviously opens up the heel. I'll try your suggestion. Should I heat with my foot in?
  8. What would be the best way to get some more heel lock in the M8 model? Can I just take a heat gun to the back and press in? Or is there a better way. I need wide skates for my forefoot and these are the best skates I've ever had, but I have some heel wobble I'd like to get rid of. I've ordered the heel pad things above as well to see if that helps.
  9. Is there a maximum you would heat mold portions (or all of) this skate? I've been dealing with some lateral shifting and new orthopedic insoles and didn't want to heat it too many times. So far I've done the initial bake, secondary bake, and two heel lock specific heatings (back portion).
  10. I also had "attention to detail" issues. Though getting the boot on is VERY common and you just have to reheat a few eyelets and open them up a bit after heat molding.
  11. I had the same sort of minor communication issues where it seems like they just want to take foot tracings, mold a skate and ship it out. I'm not buying your skates because I feel like spending $900 for no reason, I have a long list of issues I'm working through and need to make sure they're addressed! My first pair I simply had to ship back as they were wrong, and although I'm happy with them now there are still some things they could have done to make the skate even better, but didn't.
  12. My take on the 55 flex for VH skates is that because the top wraps so well, the 55 flex doesn't add a ton of forward flex. The plastic pieces (for me) almost touch together and I don't tie my skates that tight. I did see a video where they suggest moving the 55 flex down an eyelet so the top one is undone, which I may try.
  13. Can we get some pics of the issues you've had so we can see if it's tolerable or not?
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