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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jazzykat

  1. bought a 70 flex Sync senior dimension from retail here in Europe. I also have an uncut 57" 75 flex Supreme 1s(I know it probably doesn't help you) in intermediate dimension. Look around and you should find something good enough. This guy wins the prize. If you can't hold the stick correctly in your hands you are in for a world of frustration (no puns intended).
  2. Will ribcor be discontinued. YES. What was recommended by some online hockey influencer guy (and have no idea if this makes sense or not) is to take one of the other skates and get a model lower so it should be less stiff. Combining that with the multi fit profiles should get you close to what you had before (so he said). That being said, I use AS3 Pros and look for the stiffest skate on the market that I can afford, so my first hand information is nil.
  3. Hi All, I have a pair of CCM AS3 Pros and 2 Pairs of CCM RBZ skates. I am 99% certain that they all have the same size holders.. So assuming they are the same holders (which I will double check before proceeding) I have some questions: 1. Do the XS and SB+4 holders feel the same when you skate on them? 2. Is it that big of a deal to swap from XS back to SB+4 holders? And before anyone asks why I want to go backwards in technology, I have 4 sets of SB+4 steel including 2 pair of Step. I have the stock XS blades and I've almost completely eaten through them due to sharpening. PS: I sent this question to CCM tech support and they didn't answer. Thanks!
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