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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Location
    San Jose, CA! Go Sharks!

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  1. David's an inspiration to everyone on here. Even though I don't know him one bit....it's fun to feel like we're all connected through this site and we're all pulling for him. When's his 1st post as a NHL player going to be? =)
  2. I don't get it.....how can he be ranked so high and not be featured on the roster for this prospects game... looks like he got the shaft!! http://www.chl.ca/CHLNews0607/0109a.html
  3. Did you "run" into these on ebay or something? They're my size =)
  4. When the hell are those new missions gonna be out??=)
  5. JR - Got any more of these Muskoka's? In 13"?? They're awesome!
  6. For those of you who know... I have some Mission boots that are 7.5. Hockeygiant has these holders available for size 8. Will size 8 fit my 7.5's? Is there a size range? Or do they make them exact?
  7. Sh*t dude! For .88 cents go for it. Plus they can't be any worse than some of the stock ones that come with mid line skates.
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