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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by snipe-show12

  1. Amazing puck protection by David on the first goal, To have the presence of mind to drop down to one knee and sheild the puck is amazing, All DP39 on the first goal. Almost buried it to, From the highlights if seen he likes to go to the backhand alot. Keep it up David, Good luck
  2. Helmet- Reebok 8k fits great love the look. cage- itech rbe lll shoulder pads- old fire stars.looking for somethin new. elbow pads- bauer 3000 also looking for new never get in the way but no protection. gloves- bauer vapor XX's-fit good love the palm after break in. pants- easton X-treme good protection. shin- CCM tacks skates- Bauer Vapor XXX's light weight really nice liner. stick- Easton stealth grip 100 flex sakic. to me its worth the money.best shooting stick.
  3. helmet:reebok 8k, light protective and comfridable sheild:itech cage shoulder pads:firestar-light and old elbow:bauer 3000-doesnt restrict movement. pants:easton extreme. shin pads-ccm pro tack gloves:vapor XX skates:vapor XXX stick:easton stealth paired with si-core synthesis blade.-sakic 100 flex.
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