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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. It is the Alkali in house Rize chassis that is meant to have 76 76 80 80.
  2. I was not a fan of the look or fit. Felt wide and unstable. Got Alkali Revel 2s until the new Bauer Vapor inlines come out and hopefully use the fit system. If you have a wide foot then Missions are likely great but mine is narrow just deep.
  3. Bought a pair of skates on SS and the wheels had been switched from stock 76 76 80 80 to 74 74 80 80. Of course the chassis is designed for 76 76 80 80 but could I get away with the 74 74 80 80 and would there be any disadvantages if so? Thanks
  4. What are the pros and cons of lacing inside out vs outside in? Thanks!
  5. Possibly tying skates too tight. Try just tying them snug the whole way up. Could also be a volume issue. Try a deep skate like Tour or Alkali or a Bauer ice boot in Fit3 and convert.
  6. Thank you, and I shouldn't see any more heel lift compared to the CA5?
  7. Hey Justin, I am looking to get either the CA5 or the RPD Team (last years im assuming, black and white Labeda Chassis) and was wondering the differences from one model to the next and which would be better as I have a very narrow foot. The CA5 were a bit tight in the forefoot which I assume a baking would loosen up and the RPD Team felt like maybe a bit too much room in the forefoot or would they snug up and wrap after baking? Also which has better heel lock as heel lift is a major issue since it is so narrow. Thank You.
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