That's a tough one to answer. I have had a lot of success with both shimming and moving the blade. With figure skates, I'm more likely to shift the blade for a pronation than shim because the plates of figure blades have elongated slot holes where I can adjust the blade once it is mounted if necessary. Given that hockey holders don't have slot holes, you have to be dead on with the alignment (because of drilling the holes into the outsole and not being able to adjust the blade once it's riveted/coppered).
Because of that, I say it is easier to shim hockey skates rather than move the blades. More than anything for the simple reason that if you don't like the shims (for whatever reason), it is really easy to get them out. Whereas, if you mount the holders/runners towards the inside and you hate it, it is a MUCH more extensive process to move them.
As for the picture of the 1/2 shim, this is my first time trying to post one, exactly do I do that? haha