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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chromechaser last won the day on July 7 2018

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  1. Thanks guys. The sticker looks like it is on the plastic packaging that the stick came in and not on the stick itself. I got the M and T designations. More concerned about the construction and kickpoint of the shaft. I know I like the retail Trigger 2 taper and release so want to make sure that is very close to what this is.
  2. Thanks Scott. The only other info the seller has is a sticker on the packaging that says ST CCM Ribcor Trigger 2 R. There is a code under it that says DJ6755. Not sure if that helps or not.
  3. Looking at a couple trigger 2 pro stock sticks. The name is thuresson. There is a M above the 75 (flex) and a T under it. No other numbers on the stick. Curve looks like a bigger p92 or a p88 that is bit more open. They dont look like they have the deep concave sides in the lower portion of the stick like the rdtail ones. Anybody know what these sticks are?
  4. I hear you. I have a very experienced sharpener that does my son's skates. Nobody else touches them. He keeps the profile and shape perfect through the life of the runners. you don't or shouldn't spend a lot of time on your heels or toes so he only sharpens them on the last 2 or 3 passes.
  5. I think the CXN runner is just more rockered with less steel at the toe and heel. The flat portion of the blade will be the same as long as they are radiused the same. If you get too far over your toes or heels in your turns though, you may not be as stable as there is not as much steel there to support you. Personally, I like the rockered effect. When I got my last bauers I had some of the heel and toe material ground off as I felt like I was catching the toes of the blades on tighter turns and quick crossovers the first few times I skated on them.
  6. The issue isn't the mako bumps from chafing. He is getting bruising on his inside ankle bones because the padding is flattened out. Basically just hard plastic shell against his bone. I think they are just too packed down as re-baking didn't help. Found a pair of supreme one.8 on clearance so we'll try those and look at the mako ii next year when the prices come down a bit.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I found another video on the MLX's and followed that. 8 minutes per side at 200 and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, it didn't fix the ankle padding problem so it looks like we back to the drawing board for new skates.
  8. bought a used pair of the original Makos for my son and had them fitted at our local hockey shop. They have been great performance and fit wise. He loves them. However, the thin layer of padding around the ankle bones have almost completely flattened out and it is leading to medial ankle pain. Any solutions for this? Re-bake? hit the areas with a heat gun? Any advice would be appreciated. On the first page of this thread I see that home baking is 16 minutes (8 per side) but I didn't see any reference to temperature. A video on easton's website said 200 * F. Does that hold for home ovens as well if i decide to go that route?
  9. He turns 11 later this year but he is quite tall with big hands and feet. He would probably be a perfect 6 but we like to leave a little room for growth. Am hoping with the customizable fit with these any negative space with the extra half size will be minimized. Only thing that sucks is we are now in senior sizes and prices for a kid. Ouch.
  10. Thanks. Yeah I can find the size online but the used ones I can get are in super condition with lots of steel left so for a ten year old who will only wear them for 8-10 months max I don't really want to drop 4 bills. at worst i replace the steel at christmas time.
  11. I read through most of this topic but might have missed this. I have a chance to pick up a used pair of makos for my son. Problem is they are with friends who are out of town. They are size 6.5 and I can't find that size in any of the shops to try them for size. He is coming from bauer supreme one.8 and if we went with the same skate for his next pair we would go 6.5. How do these fit compared to bauer supremes as far as length goes? I know the fit of the boot is different and can't tell the final fit until it is baked but willing to try it out if I can be pretty sure the length will be right. Any insights would be appreciated.
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