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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. JR, give me advice about quarter package. I like how feel width and facing length on 9 size, but that to small about 1/2 size (9.5 quarter size to big). In comment we need wrote: "make quarter 1/2 size smaller" or? Thanks.
  2. JR, or other. What is "stretch outside arch"? That stretch on outside foot side (outside edge), outside bone (center outside side)?
  3. JDub How thick (mm) are the SpeedPlate? How much thicker than standard FormFit insoles?
  4. JBub Can you give recomendation for molding SpeedPlate, for pronation foot to achive correct foot shape in skate? AIREAYE Because NAT. That my brother account use.
  5. JDub +1 to raganblink. How to baking procedure (1 skate in oven) for new 1x and Speedplate together, from 1 step to last. Correct and edit: 1. Preheat the owen to ? degrees 2. Throw one skate in (no insole) 3. ? min later throw Speedplate in oven (In the oven, not inside the skate?) 4. ? min later get the skate out and Speedplate, put Speedplate in skate, lace up 5. Stand for ? min 6. Sit for ? mins or until skates cool down.
  6. P08 on still available on new line. P02 not new curve, only rename. P92 now Ovechkin.
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