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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Bbd94

  1. Not sure if drunk or tired.... Haha

    How many eyelets do you have undone? Definitely do not squeeze your foot in there. It will prematurely break down the heel and you could have some major issues.

    It may sound inconvenient but you may want to try just unlacing to the last 3-4 eyelets. I used to do this with my Supremes and sat with my skates untied for 15 or so minutes. Your foot swells up as the day goes on and it's good to let it set in the boot before tying anyways (in my opinion).

    I've always felt more comfortable doing this

    It could be a superstition but it works for me.

  2. Thought I read a couple pages back the tendon guard is more flexible than Bauer but not as flexible as Mako. Could be wrong though.

    Hoping my skates don't take until September 30th to ship since it falls in the Junior sizing. Press release said they start shipping September 30th, but Rob told me there are a few ready to ship now.

    We will see, wouldn't be happy with 2+ months shipping.

  3. Just placed my order.

    Rob told me I fit under the "Junior" category which I'm assuming is like skate sizes 4-8. He said the measurements ranges from 252-210mm. I'm a 235 and a 8.5 shoe on both feet.

    Ended up being 760 USD compared to over 900. That's with added stiffness in the shot blockers, metatarsal tongue, and Edge holders.

    He said there was no difference in stiffness. I was a little surprised since usually "Junior" is meaning up to 5.5 but I'm assuming they are working with a different system here.

  4. The weight of the MX3 is like mid 700s so I wouldn't say anything less than 850 is bad.

    How did you get up to 860? Sorry if I read this wrong, but they stated on the website with LS2s a size 8 is a little heavier than the MX3.

    According to that it should be about 800 for built in shot blockers. Rob also recommended to me that I order them when I said I wanted a skate similar in stiffness to the MX3.

  5. I figured as such just wanted to make sure haha. I put "standard" for holder size and I'll make sure to include in the email just matching the size of the skate.

    Thank you!

    I figured as such just wanted to make sure haha. I put "standard" for holder size and I'll make sure to include in the email just matching the size of the skate.

    Thank you!

  6. Thanks! One last question if you don't mind, like I said I don't know my skate size exactly because I've been hopping around in different boots and sizes because of my ill fitting foot.

    I did the math on the tracings and converted to inches and it says I'm 9.5 but my US shoe size is 8.5. Can they determine the proper skate size or should I go try on pairs to make certain?

    Example: I am skating in a Supreme 170 6.0 D but probably could've gone with 6.5 or 7. I feel too much of the toe caps after baking and punching.

    Thanks all for your help, about ready to submit today.

  7. Just got my tracings done and sending the email tomorrow.

    Anyone have experience with the one piece tendon guard versus the old one (you can choose if I'm correct)? I don't know the size of the holders I need so I'm just leaving it as "Standard". My old skates dont fit my feet so I don't have anything to go by anyways.

    I'm thinking of going:

    Enhanced metarsal guard tongue

    One piece tendon guard

    Enhanced shot blocking

  8. Anyone have tips on tracing?

    I can't seem to hold the pen the proper way. Either I angle it too much and the tracing is way wider than my foot or it's too much up and down.

    Also, when you are tracing your arch what is the best way to do this? I keep tracing into the arch rather than the width. Ugh.

    Maybe I'm just making it complicated but it's really hard to do by yourself.

  9. That's a little worrisome to me as a potential buyer. I've never used shoe horns when baking skates and never had that problem.

    @larry54, how is the stiffness compared to a top of the line Bauer or CCM? Are they still pretty stiff compared to how much you play. I'm on the ice once a week if that with school/work and ice times here.

    Hoping if I order they'll last a good many years before replacing or moving to something different

  10. Hey guys,

    Some of you may have read my thread about my pronating right skate. I've been thinking of going the custom route because I have Haglunds on the same skate and then adding shims to help the pronation.

    Would you guys still recommend VH over Bauer Custom? If VH is two weeks, what usual production time is Bauer? I'm also putting the Sole Thin Sport footbeds in.

    Thanks guys

    EDIT: same stiffness as top of the line Bauer MX3? Does VH hold your foot last on file like Bauer does, so you can order future pairs?

    EDIT: same stiffness as top of the line Bauer MX3? Does VH hold your foot last on file like Bauer does, so you can order future pairs?

  11. From what I understand you're referring to calluses not bauer bumps. Haglunds and bone spurs are both bone and cannot be fixed rapidly without surgery

    I wouldn't worry about "when they go away the heel will be sloppy" if you punch it. From my understanding it can take years or it may never go away on its own.

    Not to double post but I have bauer bumps myself and used the bunga pads. They take away pretty much all the pain BUT I have noticed if you wear them with socks you will take up too much of the boot in most cases. I didn't size my skates with the bunga pads on

    I feel too much of the toecap with it on which makes them useless unless you stretch or punch out the toebox

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  12. Has anyone heard what pricing might be like on these? I was looking at RBZ shoulder and elbow pads but now I'm thinking about waiting. For those of you who have seen them already: how's the spine protection on the surgeon 500? It looks rather thin in the catalog picture.[/quote

    Protection also looks thin on Instagram. They just posted a picture of him

    Wearing it yesterday. Interesting part is that the shoulder caps are much higher on the shoulders than most models. Seem very form fitting.

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