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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Curious if you notice a difference in the weight as well? The Cat's are my first pair of True's so I don't really have anything to compare them to.
  2. Safe to say I regularly forget to do so, LOL. I gotta be a little more diligent.
  3. My XS holders are 271's, the Shift Max holders that came with my Cats are 272's. I don't know exactly how the holes line up, but they look and feel really good. Here's a couple pictures of my XS holders on the True Catalyst pro's: https://imgur.com/a/sw5WqbJ I gotta say, after playing with these skates a bit more since my first post, I'm starting to really like them. The XS holders on the Cat Pro's feel great, and I also swapped out the footbeds for Superfeet which also made a big difference for me. The difference with the footbeds isn't comfort, it's the fact that with the Superfeet I feel more connected to the ice and my heel feels more locked in. Still haven't tried the felt tongues yet, will update again when I do.
  4. That’s interesting, thanks for sharing. Can I ask why you requested an oversized holder? Is that just a preference? Never heard of that before!
  5. If I recall correctly, I think they choose a footbed shape based on your foot scan and cut it to the shape of the boot as well- similar to Superfeet. But like you said, I don't believe the boot itself has a custom arch. Based on a video on True's YouTube channel, what makes these skates "custom" is how they add/remove foam from different areas of the liner inside the skate to either fill negative space or free up space in the more restricted areas. I will say, they are the most comfortable skates I have ever worn. I previously had CCM Jetspeed FT2's. I didn't really have any issues with them other than that they became worn out relatively quickly and were falling apart on me. I went with True's purely for the curiosity. I had always been intrigued and decided to finally give them a try. This might sound silly, but I think the felt tongue might make a big difference difference for me. I'll report back once I try them.
  6. I recently picked up a pair of the True Catalyst Pro "hybrid custom" skates and I was wondering if anyone else out there has tried them. Because they're still quite new there's limited reviews and info about them online apart from the marketing content that True themselves have put out there. I've skated in them roughly 6 times so far and here are my thoughts: 1) They are very comfortable; my feet do not hurt at allwith these skates on 2) I am having a very difficult time getting used to how they feel. My skating feels "clumsy" compared to before when I had my CCM Jetspeed FT2's. 3) Despite being a tailored fit, I find there is quite a lot of room in the toe box which might be lending to the clumsy feeling I'm talking about, but I'm not sure. 4) I personally didn't like the shift holders and runners they came with so I put my XS holders and Step Steel on the skates and it felt much better (yes, I had the stock blades profiled first). 5) The stock footbeds are comfortable, but I switched to Superfeet anyway and this helped me feel more connected to the ice... The stock footbeds almost feel like they have too much cushion or something. I've been using Superfeet forever, so I guess it's just what I am used to. 7) Not really a fan of the stock T-guard tongues. They warped very quickly and I find that they make the skate feel like a ski boot. I just put in an order for the felt replacement tongues, hoping this will make the skates feel overall a little more snug, but less stiff? Conclusion: It's still very early, but as expected, with each use I'm getting a little more used to them. They are incredibly comfortable, so I would say that seems to be the biggest selling feature so far. I was wondering if anyone else has tried these skates and what you think of them?
  7. You can absolutely still learn at your age, and I actually highly recommend doing so. Go to several public skates at local arenas and get on the ice as much as possible. I know guys who are nearly 70 and can still keep up in some of the pickup games I go to (I'm 20). So at your age, you can definitely start learning and you will have a new hobby you can take up for several years going forward.
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