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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Would the T-form core of the boot be reactive enough to form to sharp bones like accessory navicular syndrome or bone spurs? wondering about that "truly customizable 360 fit" for people with weird feet.
  2. I had the original tongue first, skated for a while, developed lace bite, and then i messaged VH about the issue. They were nice and gave me their metatarsal guarded tongue to try. The metatarsal tongue was thicker, so made a bit less volume, but at first it worked out really great (since tongue comes flat). Then after a while of skating, the tongue shape set in to my foot shape, and it came back. Thinking it's a depth issue, but not sure. I don't think punching out the problem area on the tongue would be a permanent solution, since after a while of skating the laces will make the tongue revert back. I do like to crank down on my laces not just for stability, but for better energy transfer and deeper turns. Doesn't seem to matter if I tie the top parts too tight or not, but the pressure from the tongue seems to just be too much when I forward flex. There's one skate that doesn't give me lace bite so far, and that would be the Bauer Nexus skate which is notorious for their boot depth, however I don't like that boot too much since it's too wide in many places, and I have a bad case of accessory navicular syndrome. VH skates so far seems to be the best solution for my accessory navicular syndrome, however this lace bite is killing my left foot. I can't even skate backwards anymore because it just digs into my now swollen anterior tibialis. I have been reading a lot about people with lace bite issues, and most of them are actually solved with a new skate that had different depths for them. Some people like to put inserts or bunga pads, but I think that's just guarding it from the root of the problem that is a depth issue. Not 100% sure though, but all I know is skating hurts like hell now, and I probably already have tendonitis.
  3. Any of you develop lace bite after skating for a while in your VHs?
  4. Yea I think you're right about that 6.5D. I had someone stick a rod in their size 7D Mako II, and the result was apparently 26.5 cm, which is a bit too long for me. I hope the person didn't measure wrong.
  5. I fit pretty well with a few mm of room on CCM Jetspeeds (for reference) which on the box say the length is 25.6mm on their size 6.5 or 40.5 EU. In reality I probably have around 3-4mm more. For the Easton Makos, their sizing for 40.5 EU is a 7. Are their lengths really that different or what? Very confused about sizing.
  6. Hey guys, I fit pretty well into CCM Jetspeeds D, postbake. I also have accessory navicular. Would a D width in Mako IIs be alright post bake? Foot measurements: 254mm x 98.4mm / Medium arch. Lengthwise I think I'm around 40.5-41 EU. Width wise, well my ratio seems to be 2.58. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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